Excluindo tablespace via brtools



- Execute o comando no formato abaixo:

brspace -f tsdrop -t tablespace_nome

tablespace_nome = Nome da tablespace que se deseja excluir. Caso o nome da sua tablespace possua espaço, utilize aspas duplas.

maqtst:oratst 5> brspace -f tsdrop -t "PSAPCLUI ADD"
BR1001I BRSPACE 7.20 (34)
BR1002I Start of BRSPACE processing: semuadom.tsd 2013-12-18 13.45.40
BR0484I BRSPACE log file: /oracle/TST/sapreorg/semuadom.tsd

BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2013-12-18 13.45.41
BR1009I Name of database instance: TST
BR1010I BRSPACE action ID: semuadom
BR1011I BRSPACE function ID: tsd
BR1012I BRSPACE function: tsdrop

BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2013-12-18 13.45.42
BR0657I Input menu 310 - please enter/check input values
Options for dropping of tablespace PSAPCLUI ADD

 1 * Number of files in tablespace (files) . [1]
 2 * Total tablespace size in MB (size) .... [40]
 3 - Force tablespace drop (force) ......... [no]
 4 - SQL command (command) ................. [drop tablespace PSAPCLUI ADD]

Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help

BR0662I Enter your choice:
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...

BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2013-12-18 13.47.36
BR1090I Dropping tablespace PSAPCLUI ADD ...

BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2013-12-18 13.47.36
BR1016I SQL statement 'drop tablespace "PSAPCLUI ADD"' executed successfully

BR1069I Tablespace PSAPCLUI ADD dropped successfully

BR0794I Database file /oracle/TST/sapdata1/clui_1/clui.data1 deleted
BR0480I Directory /oracle/TST/sapdata1/clui_1 deleted

BR1821I Table data class (tabart) handling will be executed now

BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2013-12-18 13.47.36
BR0675I This is a recommended action - do you want to execute it now?
BR0676I Enter 'y[es]/c[ont]' to execute the action, 'n[o]' to skip it, 's[top]' to abort:
BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2013-12-18 13.47.56
BR0257I Your reply: 'y'
BR0677I The action will be executed...

BR1822I Table data class (tabart) handling executed successfully

BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2013-12-18 13.47.57
BR0340I Switching to the next online redolog file for database instance TST ...
BR0321I Switch to the next online redolog file for database instance TST successful

BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2013-12-18 13.47.59
BR0319I Control file copy created: /oracle/TST/sapreorg/semuadom/cntrlTST.new 15056896

BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2013-12-18 13.47.59
BR0256I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 's[top]' to cancel BRSPACE:


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