Type of role XXXXXX is undetermined



Type of role XXXXXX is undetermined
Message no. S#431

The type of the role XXXXXX is undetermined, since there is no entry for the type COLL_AGR for this role in the table AGR_FLAGS.

System Response
The operation cannot be performed for this role.

Enter the missing type indicator for this and all other affected roles in accordance with the instructions in SAP Note 770358, then repeat the process.

- Aplique a nota 770358.

BR0121E Processing of log file /oracle/SID/sapreorg/semslywd.tse failed


BR1001I BRSPACE 7.20 (34)
BR0252E Function fopen() failed for '/oracle/TST/sapreorg/semslywd.tse' at location main-5
BR0253E errno 13: Permission denied
BR0121E Processing of log file /oracle/TST/sapreorg/semslywd.tse failed

BR0700E Fatal errors occurred - terminating processing...

BR1008I End of BRSPACE processing: semslywd.tse 2013-12-10 09.35.19
BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2013-12-10 09.35.19
BR1007I BRSPACE terminated with errors


BR0292I Execution of BRSPACE finished with return code 3

- Altere as permissões do diretório /oracle/<SID>/sapreorg.
chmod 777 /oracle/<SID>/sapreorg
chown ora<sid>:dba /oracle/<SID>/sapreorg

BR1014I Please delete file /oracle/SID/sapreorg/.lock_tse.brs if BRSPACE was killed


BR1001I BRSPACE 7.20 (34)
BR1002I Start of BRSPACE processing: semslxsn.tse 2013-12-10 09.22.29
BR0484I BRSPACE log file: /oracle/TST/sapreorg/semslxsn.tse
BR1013E BRSPACE currently running with function 'tsextend' or was killed
BR1014I Please delete file /oracle/TST/sapreorg/.lock_tse.brs if BRSPACE was killed
BR1015E Setting of BRSPACE lock failed

BR0700E Fatal errors occurred - terminating processing...

BR1008I End of BRSPACE processing: semslxsn.tse 2013-12-10 09.22.29
BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2013-12-10 09.22.29
BR1007I BRSPACE terminated with errors

- Exclua o arquivo /oracle/<SID>/sapreorg/.lock_tse.brs.