SUM - Stack.xml - Incorrect input; provide the correct path to the directory.

Problema 1

<!--HELP[Manual modification of the header may cause parsing problem!]/-->
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Jul 21, 2014 11:10:27 AM [Info  ]: The detected system topology is DUAL_STACK
Jul 21, 2014 11:10:28 AM [Info  ]: Dialog eliminator inboxOpEliminator does not allow to omit dialog DefineTargetDialog
Jul 21, 2014 11:10:28 AM [Info  ]: Dialog eliminator stackOpEliminator does not allow to omit dialog DefineTargetDialog
Jul 21, 2014 11:10:28 AM [Info  ]: Dialog eliminator ContentLocationDialogEleiminator does not allow to omit dialog DefineTargetDialog
Jul 21, 2014 11:10:28 AM [Info  ]: Dialog eliminator DownloadSMPEliminator allows to omit dialog DefineTargetDialog
Jul 21, 2014 11:11:04 AM [Info  ]: Setting catalog key inbox.option to value true into shared input catalog.
Jul 21, 2014 11:11:04 AM [Info  ]: Setting catalog key stack.option to value false into shared input catalog.
Jul 21, 2014 11:11:05 AM [Error ]: The provided Stack file or Directory: /midias/stack.xml, is not valid.
Jul 21, 2014 11:11:05 AM [Info  ]: Dialog eliminator inboxOpEliminator does not allow to omit dialog DefineTargetDialog
Jul 21, 2014 11:11:05 AM [Info  ]: Dialog eliminator stackOpEliminator does not allow to omit dialog DefineTargetDialog
Jul 21, 2014 11:11:05 AM [Info  ]: Dialog eliminator ContentLocationDialogEleiminator does not allow to omit dialog DefineTargetDialog
Jul 21, 2014 11:11:05 AM [Info  ]: Dialog eliminator DownloadSMPEliminator allows to omit dialog DefineTargetDialog

Problema 2

- Incorrect input; provide the correct path to the directory.

Problema 3

 Some of the archives defined in the stack configuration file were not found in the download directory.


- Crie a MPOZ e faça o download do arquivo stack.xml
- Faça o download dos arquivos apontados na MPOZ via SAP Download Manager.
- Crie um diretório no servidor e deixe os arquivos baixados junto com o stack.xml.
- Inicie o SUM.
- Quando solicitado no step “Select Target System Version”, selecione o arquivo stack.xml no diretório criado e marque a opção Stack configuration file (XML).

DTecno Consultoria SAP - Suporte SAP Remoto sob Demanda
Keywords: Consultor SAP, SAP Remoto, SAP Basis, Suporte SAP Remoto

Solman - SMSY - Product version is inconsistent with software components

- No Solution Manager 7.0 Ehp 1, na transação SMSY, nos Product Systems.
- No campo Product Version, com status 

 Product version is inconsistent with software components

  1. Select the inconsistent product system in the overview tree.
  2. Choose Change Product Assignment in the Header Data tab.
  3. Select the new product version of the product system, and set the Active flag.
    The logical component is inconsistent, because the product versions of the logical componente and its assigned systems, differ.
  4. Create a where-used list with Product System.
    Click on the name of the logical component.
    You go to the logical component.
  5. Put the new product version into the logical component.
  6. Save your changes.
  7. Repeat the steps above for all systems down Product System tree. After the exclamation icon will disappear.

DTecno Consultoria SAP - Suporte SAP Remoto sob Demanda
Keywords: Consultor SAP, SAP Remoto, SAP Basis, Suporte SAP Remoto

ANR8886E e ANR8310E

07/23/14   13:46:39      ANR8886E Element address mismatch: Element 4118 of library
                          library name is reported by the library to be element  0.
                          (SESSION: 2350, PROCESS: 81)
07/23/14   13:46:39      ANR8310E An I/O error occurred while accessing library
                          Library Name. (SESSION: 2350, PROCESS: 81)

- Pare o serviço do TSM Server 
- Desligue a library
- Desligue o servidor do TSM Server
- Ligue novamente a library e aguarde que fique com o status Ready.
- Ligue o servidor do TSM Server 
- Acesse o dsmadmc e repita a operação realizada anteriormente.
- Verifique se o erro foi resolvido


Restart work process

- Work process com status stopped.

1- Acesse a transação SM50.
2- Selecione o work process e clique em Administration->Process->Restart After Error-> Yes.
3- Finalize o wp clicando em Administration->Process->Cancel With Core.
4- Aceite a finalização do wp e ele será automaticamente reiniciado como a configuração no passo 2.


Transação que utiliza um determinado objeto de autorização

Encontrar uma transação a partir de um objeto de autorização.

- Acesse a transação SU53.
- Entre na aba Authorization Object

- Insira o nome do objeto no campo Authorization Object, deixe a opção Transaction selecionada e clique em Execute(F8).

Low Hit Ratio for Initial Records buffer

The hit ratio is significant only if the number of requests is many times greater than the capacity of the buffer. A low hit ratio for relatively few accesses to the buffer is therefore normal and does not indicate poor performance.

It is important to observe the number of "Swaps". If the ratio of this number to the number of requests is very high, this indicates that the configuration of the buffer is too small. In this case, you should increase the parameter "rsdb/ntab/entrycount". The maximum number of entries in the "Initial Records" buffer ("Directory Entries Available") is derived from this parameter. It is "rsdb/ntab/entrycount" / 4.

1250278 - Low "Hit Ratio" for "Initial Records" buffer

Describing a table in SQL Server

- Exibir a configuração das colunas de uma tabela

- Para descrever os campos de uma tabela, execute como o exemplo abaixo:

exec sp_columns table_name;

exec sp_columns employees;


SAPLogon.ini default path


The paths for Windows XP/Vista/7/8 are as follows:
  • Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\SAP\Common
  • Windows Vista/7/8: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\SAP\Common

SAP Solution Manager 7.1: Data Volume Management Work Center

SAP Solution Manager 7.1: Data Volume Management Work Center
Meet the Expert - Replay Library

Learn more about SAP SL ToolSet